Yuri Chang’s Collection by a new born designer Yuri Chang


Yuri Chang’s Collection

by a new born designer Yuri Chang

The Yuri Chang’s Collections is a brand of handmade dresses that designed and produced in her home workshop right in the heart of Brisbane China Town.

Yuri spends days and nights and hours and hours working with her selection of fabrics, sewing machine and over locker. Her pieces are created with the sense of fun and craftsmanship, elegance and sensuality. Each piece is inspired by her love and passion for fashion that she said one who wears them would feel sexy, youthful, comfortable and chic.

Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Yuri graduated in Arts specialized in Computer Graphic Design, Animation and Illustrations. After gradua- tion, Yuri completed her nails design course to serve the demand of a growing business in South Korea and ventured on a sea change to become a nail technician. However, the new qualification gave her the opportunity to travel to New York and spent 3 years working in a nail salon in Brooklyn.

We met Yuri for the first time last year at the Multi- cultural Red Carpet and found her humble friendly and very lively personality to be very attractive. Once she has completed her many dresses for a new real business venture and the photo-shoot to prepare for marketing material, we got to join her down time relaxing and talk about her new journey in becoming a fashion designer.

My design is a mixture of feminine, simplicity yet fun to wear; there is also a sense of sensuality in my design

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When did your interest in becoming a fashion designer begin?
I always have a dream of becoming a fashion designer. I think when I was about 13 I started to think seriously about it and at that time I could have gone to study at a fashion design school then but I didn’t. Because you know at the back of my mind thinking maybe I should do something that could be more academic. So at university, I didn’t choose to do fashion designer course but I did Arts, which cover very broad subjects.

But when you came to live to Australia, you were here as a qualified nail technician?
Yes, after I have worked 3 years in New York, my little brother wanted to study overseas so we chose Australia, I came with him because then I supported him financially. I got a job in nail salon working long hours six days a week. I did that for many years plus the time I spent working in nails salon in Korea and New York, my eyes got damaged from too much exposure to chemical, I was looking at changing my career.

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Then you realize that the fashion designer dream is calling?
I have always been dreaming of it that one day I will start doing it for commercial. In fact, I did started from sewing beautiful dresses for myself and sell some to my friends, because when I make dresses and wear them, my friend asked me where I got it from and I told them I made it myself, they couldn’t quite believe it so that was almost the drive for me to think yes, I should do something sooner than later so I made it an sell them online, but again I knew nothing about marketing so it was just like a hobby.

Well, when I got the opportunity to model for many occasion around Brisbane, sometimes as volunteers and sometimes a paid work. I told my friends, models and the organiser that if they want, I can design something for them for models to wear and I have made some of them and they liked it, got a lot of admirations so in a way that is a booster for me to start doing it for serious commercial purposes.

Where do you source materials?
Actually they are from everywhere. Sometimes I buy them locally, some of them I order from China, Korea and Thailand. I like materials from Thailand, the price is reasonable but the quality is very good, I reckon it’s better than anywhere else.

Can you describe your fashion design style?
My design is a mixture of feminine, simplicity yet fun to wear; there is also a sense of sensuality in my design because it shows a little of curves and cuts, which I think all women should have on some occasion. I think when we dress up, we should express our feminine side, it is about beauty and what looks good on our body but as long as you don’t wear it to the point of flaunting it about.

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Where can we find or buy your design?
At the moment, I don’t make enough to have my own big store, so I am displaying them and sell them at My Cube Store in Myer Center. I need to make more and that require so many things. Starting from small is good so I know how the market receives me. The next step will be working with bigger fabric suppliers and manufacturer who can help me produce a bigger amount of order so that I don’t have to make it myself.

My dream is to have a shop of my own and expand the product line to other stuffs like accessories, and home wares etc. I know it’s a big dream and it might not happen easily, but I do want to realize my dream.

Who is you favourite designer?
Vera Wang is my favourite of all time. She is my idol of a designer. Her design is simple yet very elegant and use luxurious materials. There are some collections of hers that I really like and I remember living in New York, I used to have to walk pass many of the famous designers boutique shop and see the dresses on the display calling out “buy me…buy me”. I was dreaming one day I could make those beautiful dresses myself and display in a shop like that so it give that same feeling to others who see them.

*My Cube is a new innovative retail concept store in Australia where entrepreneurs can start their business from as little as $5 per day. You’ll always find something unique at My Cube.

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