Student Ambassador program

Brisbane International Student Ambassador

Student Ambassador program

An army of student ambassadors showcased Brisbane’s credentials as an international study destination to a potential audience of 227,000 world-wide.

Iris Sirirada Pattara-angkoon

Iris is on Joint International Psychology Program between Chulalongkorn University and The University of Queensland. When she learnt about the Student Ambassador program, she put her application forward and got selected to represent Thai student to help promote Study Brisbane using all forms of social media. She also said it is great to be able to share her knowledge about Thailand and Thai culture with her fellow students ambassadors and new friends she met while in this role. Iris said her participation in this program is very rewarding and fulfilling that she gets to make new friends from all over the world and learn about their culture as well.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk announced the appointment of 40 Brisbane International Student Ambassadors for 2017 during a ceremony at City Hall in April this year.

Cr Quirk said the new ambassadors were from 34 countries with nine countries represented for the first time – including Belgium, Denmark, Kazakhstan, the Maldives, Mongolia, Paraguay, Slovenia, Solomon Islands and the United Arab Emirates

“The Brisbane International Student Ambassador program highlights the rich diversity of our city’s student population and why Brisbane is a superb place for study with world-class institutions and an enviable lifestyle,” Cr Quirk said.

“Our ambassadors will experience the best Brisbane has to offer and use social media to share and profile their lives as students in Brisbane with their peers, networks, families and potential students back home.

“Combined, the ambassadors have an audience of more than 67,000 on social media in addition to the 160,000-plus followers on Study Brisbane’s Facebook page.

“Sharing their positive experiences of Brisbane will generate increased interest in our city among those considering international study.

“The ambassador program managed by Study Brisbane continues to grow and we have now passed the 250 mark for the number of ambassadors appointed since it began in 2009.”

Cr Quirk said the Study Brisbane program had long-term benefits for the city as well as for international students.

“Brisbane attracts about 75,000 enrolments from international students each year and the city welcomes every one of them,” he said.

“Study Brisbane provides a connection for the thousands of young people from 160 countries who choose Brisbane as their second home during a very exciting stage of their lives.

“Study Brisbane not only puts out the welcome mat, it constantly searches for ways to help students connect with our city, improve their study experience and further their goals and ambitions.”

The ambassadors’ roles will see them enjoy many quintessential Brisbane experiences, volunteer at multicultural events and assist with hosting official visiting delegations.

Credit information and photos courtesy of Brisbane Marketing.